
Deployments tracking

automatic and manual configuration

Since version 1.6.0, RorVsWild compares deployments. Deployments tracking can help to find when a performance deterioration or a new error was introduced.

It is working without any actions from your part if your app is:

  • Deployed via Capistrano
  • Inside a Git repository
  • Hosted on Heroku with Dyno metadata enabled
  • Hosted on Scalingo

Because we are not aware of all cloud hosting providers, there is a generic method to provide these data via the configuration:

# config/rorvswild.yml
  api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
    revision: <%= "Deployment version" %> # Mandatory
    description: <%= "Optional description such as a Git message" %>
    author: <%= "Deployment author's name" %>
    email: <%= "" %>

If you prefer initialising RorVsWild manually:

# config/initializers/rorvswild.rb
RorVsWild.start(api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY", deployment: {
  revision: "Unique version number such as Git commit ID",
  description: "Message such as in Git",
  author: "Deployer's name",
  email: "Deployer's email"

Only the revision is mandatory, but it’s better if you are able to provide more information.

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