Put your requests
on the radar
Made for busy Rails developers, RoRvsWild is the fastest way to find answers and get back to code.
Discover where your application is spending its time; where performance optimizations have the biggest impact.
95th percentile
Measure all your requests and background jobs runtime.
Average runtime
Compare with 95p and find what's causing the differences.
Runtime breakdown
Get a detailed breakdown of the slowest sections of your requests and background jobs.
Understand what's really used in your application.
Error rate
Identify failing requests and exceptions.
Slowest executions
Analyze the requests execution breakdown of worst cases.
30 days trace
Navigate in history and see the effects of a change in your code.
Unlimited applications
Monitor all your applications from a single account.
Unlimited developers
Make performances everyone's concern in your team.
Localhost profiler
Find performances issues before they go live.
More or less
Less is more, more is less,
more is more, less is less,
Measure any code
Sometimes, you need more details to understand what's going on. Add sections in your requests and jobs, and profile finely parts of your code.
RorVsWild.measure("A great job name" do User.all.do_something_great end
Ignore some code
Sometimes, you just don't want to know. Edit the configuration file to skip the monitoring of parts of your code. You can also use an initializer.
production: api_key: YOUR_API_KEY ignore_requests: - SecretController#index ignore_plugins: - ActionController - ActionMailer - ActionView - ActiveRecord - Elasticsearch - Mongo - NetHttp - Redis
Ruby on Rails
monitoring gem
Start improving your Rails applications today!
# Add to your Gemfile
gem "rorvswild"
Gem version 1.9.0